Remote Hiring: Our 5-step Interview Process

Talk about DE&I employee training and what you expect from your team members. When candidates look for signs a remote company is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I), they want real-life examples of how you practice the mission statement on your website. If your candidate’s experiencing bandwidth trouble during the video call, the delays and lags in communication will ruin the interview. And you may unintentionally judge a candidate by their poor connection.

So you’ll want to have a backup plan to move past the hiccup and continue the interview. So if you require samples or a portfolio, have your candidates send this over beforehand. This gives your team time to look over everything and formulate relevant questions prior to meeting up on camera. So after you schedule an interview, email candidates a short overview of the hiring process and what they can expect during each stage.

Questions to add to your application form when remote hiring

But, with an interest in hiring global candidates, comes the need to develop a successful remote interviewing process. Video conferencing technologyenables hiring managers to ascertain more important details by viewing their interviews directly, as opposed to traditional phone interviews. It has also been proven that most interpersonal communication is nonverbal. Consequently, the body remote interview process language of a candidate can reveal whether they are confident, goal-oriented, and focused – or indeed, whether the candidate might actually be bored, insecure, or nervous. If you’re feeling nervous, remember that’s normal, especially if you’re not used to interviewing remotely. Even if you are, a remote job interview is still an experience very few candidates will have mastered.

How exactly your interview process will run depends on the role you are interviewing for – this dictates the number of stages and the Ometrians you will meet. In general, the process typically involves a telephone interview, meeting a minimum of two members of your team via video interviews and participating in our Authentication interview . Now that we’ve covered the pros and cons of remote interviews to help you determine if they’re the right option for your organization, let’s discuss how to make your virtual interviews successful. You probably noticed that these are all soft skills, which means they aren’t as easy to quantify as, say, whether you know JavaScript or can manage a Twitter account. The remote interview process is still new and unfamiliar to most employees.

What to expect from Ometria’s remote interview process

We are firm believers in structured interviewing where we use the same set of questions at each stage so that the process is consistent for each candidate. Our technical support specialist candidates are asked to give a live demo of the product over Zoom and then spend some time in our Help Scout queue responding to realistic customer questions. We’ve found that as a remote team, having a project gives us important data that helps us reduce risk and make great hires. And we pay everyone who completes a project as a token of our gratitude for their time and effort. Once the team is set, we create a Slack channel to discuss all things related to the hire.

“The employer wants to know whether you can recover if things break down,” Leech says. Disagreements are inevitable, so knowing how to navigate and defuse misunderstandings before they get out of hand is an incredibly important skill—especially when you’re part of a remote team. Don’t be afraid to talk about all the tools and strategies you use to keep track of what you need to do, decide what takes precedence, plan how and when you’ll get it done, and follow through. That might mean calling out specific apps you live by or talking about your color coding system for prioritizing to-do items in your planner.

How to hire

Due to social distancing rules and enforced lockdowns, employers around the world are turning toremote hiring as a means of expanding their workforce. Hiring manager interview via video call, focused on role-specific skills and more values alignment. We immediately want to do a Zoom video call and set the precedent of how we operate as a company.

How do you introduce yourself in a video interview?

If you're recording your answers, you'll likely start off with a prompt to introduce yourself. Look into the camera (not at the screen), and begin by stating your name and the position to which you're applying. Then, launch into your elevator speech.

Hopefully, the above information gives some insight on what to expect and how to best set yourself up for success. You’ll want to ask a mix of questions that help you identify the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses and how they’ll fit into your company culture. While most glitches can be fixed with troubleshooting or rejoining the call, sometimes, you won’t be able to proceed with the interview.

How the Remote Hiring Process Works

There are some nuances, though, when you hire candidates remotely, which means that you might need to tweak your interview process to make sure you hire the right people. You cut back on time spent sending directions, welcoming candidates to your offices, making travel arrangements if you’re in different locations, etc.

And if not, we keep the other candidate warm in case there’s an opportunity down the road. As we move candidates to the final interview, we also ask them for three references, and we ask that two be previous managers. If things are still looking strong at this point, the next step is a relevant project that gives candidates a chance to showcase their skills.

Prior to a remote interview, hiring managers should inform candidates of every person who will be attending the interview, their roles within the team, and the specifics of what they’ll be addressing. The application process for remote workers occurs entirely online, and it concludes with a video interview. This is a bit different from the hiring process for on-site workers, as we conduct more extensive in-person interviews for these positions.

what is a remote interview process

All the hard work is about to pay off, but we’re not quite ready to pop champagne bottles. At Help Scout, we love to make offers over video chat whenever possible, so the hiring manager will email the finalist and ask if they have a few moments to connect for some good news. To ensure this, the hiring team collaborates on the questions they plan to ask well in advance of scheduling any interviews. We have a bank of questions to ask at this point, but we always update and add new ones along the way. Hiring and onboarding global talent comes with a lot of steps and process that may be new to your company.

Conduct the virtual interview as you would an in-person interview

— For a remote company, we can hire from basically anywhere, but there are locations that may make it more difficult. For instance, a 12+ hour time difference is a big hurdle that, unless there are some amazing benefits, probably won’t work out. — I don’t actually care where they’ve worked, I just want to see that they do in fact have some experience. For engineering positions you’ll get a lot of applicants whose only experience is some 4-week Rails bootcamp, and that’s just not our bag right now. Every position has some sort of quick indicator that the person simply doesn’t have the relevant experience you’re after. Follow these tips, and the interview experience will leave candidates with a positive impression and entice them to complete the next stage of onboarding with your company.

  • To find the right balance, locate an area with some natural light, so your face can be clearly seen, but does not offer too much glare or brightness.
  • An interesting aspect to take into account is the role you’re hiring for.
  • Talk their ear off about the atmosphere in the team, what lunch is like , team rituals, events etc.
  • As a result, many employers are turning to virtual interviews to complete their hiring processes virtually.
  • If you do need to type, it’s best to let the candidate know ahead of time, and consider muting yourself to minimize the disruption.
  • That way, we get a little bit of sense into what he or she is like in terms of personality.
  • If your company’s hiring pause is indefinite, consider telling candidates upfront instead of leaving them guessing.

Check your video conferencing software and hardware before a remote interview. Use video conferencing software and hardware to see how the candidate handles themselves for remote meetings. By presenting yourself as a candidate who has done their research and understands the expectations of the role, you can prove that you can be counted on to hit the ground running. This will be critical during a remote onboarding process, where the training might be less hands on. As with every interview ever, it’s essential to show up well-prepared. But when it comes to interviews for remote roles, it’s even more important, as people who work from home need to be especially proactive, organized, and communicative. When you’re part of a distributed team, you’re pretty likely to run into situations where you don’t feel 100% clear about what you’ve been tasked with.

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